Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Fingernails of Decision

This past Lent I was working hard on patience. The first was not losing patience with my technology, something I have to work with day in and day out at work and at home.  

But now I also realize I am a beast when I'm in the car so I want to tame this beast and try praying better in the car for myself and for the other drivers out there.  the world needs peace, not more people yelling and screaming at each other.

I knew I was going to need a reminder every day of how to work on this.  Some people wear rosary bracelets or carry a token in their pocket. A physical reminder of what they are doing extra or working on for Lent.  I would need that too, but what would it be?  What can you carry in your car that reminds you to not yell or throw a fist at another driver? What could attached to my windshield or steering wheel that wouldn't impede my sight?

I was sitting at Mass the day after Ash Wednesday when it came to me.  As we made the sign of the cross at the Gospel, the one where we take our thumbs and make the sign of the cross on our forehead, lips and heart.  I looked at my thumb.  I could paint something on it!  We paint our nails with polish all the time. What could I paint that would be a good reminder?  A happy face? A stop symbol? Cross?  Maybe something that wouldn't need explaining why I don't have my other nails painted? Me and nail polish, gels, stick ons just don't get along. Nothing lasts, and I am afraid of those glued on salon nails! I tried a stick with a happy face.. that lasted about one hour. I am so hard on my nails since I type all day l on, play some guitar, knit and crochet and dig in the dirt weeding.  

Well, I'll give it a try anyway and see how it goes...

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