Monday, January 14, 2019

Use It or Lose It

  So for all my midfiftyplusyears I've been very active.  Except for a couple months when I was pregnant with Ryan and stuck in Minnesota during December, January, February in three feet of snow with no car of my own and all I could do was get up, walk around the apartment, go down to the laundry room in the basement (creepy) and walk back upstairs for my daily exercise, (whee, sigh) I've been fairly active or at least enjoy getting out for long walks, bike rides, and of course doing martial arts.
I don't run marathons, but I get antsy if I don't get up from whatever I'm doing and get outside.
I didn't really get injured much, okay there was the rib incident which still plagues me but that's another story, and the time when I jumped up from my kitchen chair to scare off some blackbirds who were eating newly sown grass seed in our backyard and popped my little toe into the chair leg. Moral of that story, let the stupid birds eat the seed and save yourself a broken little toe.
  But while I was laid up for a day or two with that broken toe, the kids learned to do laundry that week.  It was really kind of cool.  The down side was hobbling around for a week and not being able to dress up and wear anything other than a dowdy looking tennis shoe for a speaking engagement. Lovely. But that was over 15 years ago. Time erases the reminders of  "you need to be careful because."  I had forgotten to be careful. And while I wasn't sparring any more in martial arts or jumping off loading docks and beating up the padded attackers in women's self defense class any more, I was still active biking, walking etc.
  So this week things came to a screeching halt when I made an uber mistake while exercising. I had just begun daughter-in-the-far-away-land-of-California, Laura's Little Black Dress Challenge, 12 weeks to a better toned body to look good in, you guessed it, a little black dress for the holidays. I was excited and pumped.  My arms really need help. I had begun to notice the 'waving hello and goodbye" syndrome with my arms. Ew, gross I don't want to be that kind of midfiftyplusyear type woman. So this exercise was going to solve that.
  The first night I get on my laptop and we began the 'virtual class' with seven other wonderful and very young, woman all on my screen. It's a great way to do an exercise class when you either don't have time to run somewhere across town to exercise, or in my case, your coach-daughter is 1,700 miles away.
  We warmed up and went down into a type of pushup called a plank when you rest on your elbows and stretch out your legs and then do a push up and come up on your toes.  It sounds easy and it was until I heard the first pop when I came up on my toes. Hmmm... I get that a lot when moving, those midfiftyplusyear bones and bursa sacs like to make a lot of noise, kind of like Rice Crispies when you add the milk.  But this was a little different. There was some pain to this noise. Not a lot, mind you. Just a twinge.
 So, being the stubborn German woman I am, I powered on through and did my pushup. It was when I went down and came up for the second pushup and heard another pop, I realized something else may be happening besides just old age creaking going on.
  I'm used to having to work through my pain, it's all a part of martial arts, we punch and kick each other so there is pain on a frequent basis, so I kept going. We stood up and did lots of other fun, exhausting exercises and an hour later we were finished.  I struggled back up the stairs with screaming muscles in my gluts and traps. By that time the pain in my foot paled in comparison to the other bigger muscles in my body and so took second place.
  It wasn't until in the middle of the night rolling over in bed I realized something was wrong with my foot. My big toe was insisting on me not touching it. I got up and look but didn't see anything offensive.  It wasn't until the next day I noticed a slight red spot and some swelling plus the ball of my foot also joined in the fray and now I was hobbling. Dang it, what did I do?  I wondered then if it had to do with those pops.
  When I explained to my husband he was concerned as he shares my midfiftysomeyears with me and we both fight to keep each other moving; BenGay is a frequent scent in our home.
  But when I said something to Ryan and Cait they both gave me a funny look and asked, "You hurt it doing planks? How?"
  That's when I knew I should begin to change my story. Who hurts themselves doing a plank? It's like a real safe exercise. You just lay on the floor push up onto your elbows and toes. What's to hurt? Well apparently in my case your big toe.  Embarrassed I just let it go for a day. But by day three things were getting worse. It was hurting to walk in my shoes, the red bump was getting bigger and really did not like being touched.
  So I made a doctor appointment. I have to admit, haven't had much use for doctors in the case of my exercise injuries because the first time I went to the doctor for messing up a rib, he looked at me and said, "Aren't you a little old to be doing martial arts?"  This was almost 20 years ago. I didn't take kindly to his remark.  Then a couple years later I was back at the doctor for knee pain and swelling. Again I get the "You probably shouldn't be working out this hard at your age." spiel. What is up with this? I thought we were SUPPOSED to keep working out the older we get. It's not like I was hang gliding or jumping off mountains for crying out loud.
  So I was really leery of calling in about my toe. But I did because everything I read on "The Internet" our first aid go to these days, said don't mess around with a broken big toe. But after I was asked and laughed at by my x-ray tech who told me "that's why we shouldn't be doing exercise at OUR age," I didn't hold high hopes for any compassion or sympathy from my doctor. I wasn't disappointed.
  She came in and told me that while the toe wasn't fractured, there was a lot of arthritis and soft tissue swelling going on in the toe area as a result, she guessed, of my exercising so I probably shouldn't do anything else but maybe ride my stationery bike for the next month.
  I left feeling defeated and angry, first at my stupid big toe for such a baby when it was only a minor injury, then at society who consistently push us to exercise but then tell us not to.
  What's a gal to do?
   Go to Disney World that's what, with a semi operational big toe!  We already had our tickets, rooms and plans with the family to go.  I bought a new pair of tennis shoes a size larger to accommodate the toe issue. By the end of our vacation my toe nail had turned a lovely color and in a few more weeks would completely fall off.  Gross.
  Moral of the story...there is no moral. If you are going to keep working out which I do, good for you because I was able to walk all over all of Disney World for four days, ride the most awesome rides and have fun because I kept in shape, messed up toe or not.  Yes, I had to deal with a gross and sore toe for a few weeks, but time heals all wounds and sore muscles.  If you don't keep using them, you'll keep losing them!
Good luck!

Blast From the Past in Lisaville...a different blog of mine.

  I will need to update you sometimes on the perils of living in Lisaville...I wrote this post four years ago and thought life was crazy then.  It got worse... so while waiting for the sequel, enjoy some Lisaville thoughts. 

Yes, here we are again friends, back in Lisaville as she lives her fantasy of being a pet owner who never has to de-hair, de-vomit or de-smell the house because of her pets.  Since last we met, Lisa and daughters did a wild-and-crazy-thing on Christmas Eve (2015)  They went to the Humane Society and brought home two cats. Did she say, TWO cats? What was Lisa thinking?
  Well, after three months of missing her beloved Siamese of nine years, who had succumbed to old age, she was missing her feline companion and decided to find another kitty.
  So off the threesome went to the Humane Society to "look around' at who they had.  Then a couple of phone calls later to a husband who to this day declares he just "should have said 'no'"  they gave not only one three-year-old male kitty a home, but another kitten.  The 3 year old was a blond tabby and the kitten a calico.  Or so she thought...
  Turns out the kitten was a Maine Coon and at one year old still has two more years of growth to go. He's almost the size of Watson, the three year old very furry bassett/spaniel. 
  I am firmly convinced that some time during your fifties, while life is speeding past you, your children are growing and moving out of the house, getting married, and your job is stressing you out, your brain leaves your body.  I mean, what was she thinking? Three pets in the house? When she was crabbing so very much about 'THE DOG?"
  Now every day is dealing with not only tons of pet hair, but the kitty litter box of TWO cats one of which should go outside like the dog does because he just "goes too much!!!!!" Then there is the running, chasing, bowling over, fighting over the dog's water bowl, jumping up on the tables, counters, chairs, sofas, eating phone cords, computer cords, knocking over candles, (unlit at least)
and did I mention the pet hair? 
  No one ever wants to come visit us anymore. don't blame them. Try as I might I just can't keep hair off the floor, couches, chairs. I wish I could figure out how to spin cat hair and we'd have blankets for EVERYONE on the Christmas list. Not that anyone wants a blanket made out of cat hair.  Ugg...
  So, in Lisaville, Lisa has officially turned the corner as she stares 55 down and wonders what her 60's will be like...will Lisa still have her brain? Will she still have hair? Can she make a wig out of dog/cat fur?  These are the things we ponder in...Lisaville!

Friday, January 11, 2019


Life is all about changes.  Sometimes change is good, sometimes bad, but it is always about something different.  And it takes getting used to to say the least. 
Just recently, we had some changes going on with our family business that affect our family and customers. Mostly where we are going to be having classes.  New property management brought about a substantial increase in our rent, so we needed to find another place to have class.
We have temporarily landed in our church's school gym where they are allowing us to rent space for a workable fee.  We could only get one day and one hour so we've had to reduce our classes from three days a week to one and just the one class.   While this is workable, it has also meant that several of our students are not able to follow us because of transportation and other activity conflicts.  While we are trying to make the best out of a new situation, it's not always a great solution.  While we keep searching for another place to land, we'll make it work for  now and hope that in the near future everyone can join us again.

This has been a huge life change for our family. For the last fifteen years our kids have grown up helping run this business so having to empty out the storefront and go back to not having our own space with all our equipment is a huge sad change to us.  But lots of family businesses through the ages have had to deal with similar situations and we'll get through this. 

 We're still the same family teaching the same skills to children to keep them safe because that is our family mission. That will never change.  And it doesn't matter where we are or where we meet, we'll be there helping kids along the way.