Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Placement Prayer

 Dear God,

Today help me just be where you want me to be, where I am most needed. Not where I think I am needed because I cannot be in all the places I think I am supposed to be. But YOU know where I can help someone the most this day.  So speak to my heart. I will let go and listen.  Thank you!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Have Missed You

 I have missed you dear column. This year has been so tumultuous I will not even begin to describe it. Just know sometimes you have months and months of stress, anxiety and pain. You will live. I promise you.

With that said; when you think your trust in God is as great as it will ever get  (or you hope) there comes a time...or there may be several times..when God asks you to trust even more.  

You will not feel strong enough to to get through it. But I promise you will.

You will not want it.  But you will take it any way because you have no choice.

But that whole walking beside you in the sand thing? You know with one set of footsteps? It's is for real and they are not your footsteps. They are the Lord's.

The Lord has carried me. He continues to amaze me at how he knows just when to step in and relieve my pain, my sorrow and anxiety.  

He will send you miracles you keep asking for and create ones you never dreamed of.

I love you Lord. I know you love me.

Good gracious, this has been hard.