Friday, April 19, 2024

Stress IS Normal!

 Do some days just feel like life is crazy?  The stress never ends, the "Emergency" is about to happen? A cloud is hanging over your life today?  I know lots of people experience this feeling by the looks of my Instagram feed. It is filled with memes reminding people everything will be okay.

Have we just forgotten that just general life is always a constant blur of fixing this, juggling that? Where do we get the idea that life is supposed to be calm and serene?

It certainly was not like that for our ancestors.  They spent every day gathering food, chopping fire wood, knitting socks and underwear!  Life was not calm. Life was not spent indulging in reading a book all day. Life was spent living and doing this that helped you live.

I grew up watching television, not too much because I also spent lots of time outside playing and riding bikes around our neighborhood. I sewed and wrote stories and played my guitar too. But the little I watched television was already setting me up to expect life's problems could be solved in 30 or 60 minutes.  Or at the worst, continued until next week's show!  TV taught us how we should look, dress and have a career. It didn't teach us how to cook, clean or create, at least not until HGTV but even there everything is easy to do because behind the scenes they have a huge crew doing all the work. It's not just a husband and wife revamping, renovating or building anything!

I let my kids watch television too, also not too much, but I think the damage has been done now for two generations indoctrinating us that life should be stress free and now we have this next generation thinking they are messed up because there is stress in life when stress is just a normal part of life!

I think it is times to get rid of the untruthful box that sits in our house and go back 100 years before television and move on with life.  Let's realize that we have to cook and clean every day. We work and we make time to play. Then rinse and repeat. It's that simple. And not stress about anything that comes along to interrupt that because that is part of living life too, the interruptions, change, doing it different or inventing a new way.  

Good luck and may God go with you!

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