Monday, February 3, 2020

and we laughed!

   I am going to be speaking to a young mom's group this spring.  Now for those of you who don't know me, I don't like speaking in front of people. Give me a book to write and I'm all for it, but standing up and talking in front of people, nope thank you!  But the title of my proposed talk intrigued me and so I said yes.  The hostess told me they wanted me to speak on having fun.
  Yep, you read that right, give a talk on having fun.  According to her she and some other moms in this group knew I had been raising a family for many years, that my husband and I have a family business we run together with our family and apparently we look like we're having fun doing it!
  So could I give a talk to other young moms about keeping fun in your life along with paying bills, working a job, taking care of children?  I said yes because stopping to think about all the things I've been doing in my married life, raising kids, working on a budget when we only had one income and moving into work life when the kids were all in school, figuring out technology at my place of business and now being the teckie guru were all done with a huge amount of fun.  Fun because I didn't know any different!  Fun because even with mac and cheese for cheap dinners, I still would decorate the table with an international theme made out of construction paper. Fun because I could teach my kids what it's like to sacrifice for Lent by cutting out hearts for them to write daily good deeds on that would decorate the wall around Jesus' picture on Easter morning.  Fun because we would take a drive in the car when I really needed to get out of the house and go blueberry picking or going to the river to wade.
  If we could all look at our lives with a little 'fun' attitude maybe we wouldn't lose our tempers so much, maybe we could laugh more, and our kids grow up happy and raise fun families too! 
  Having fun in your life doesn't mean you are a pollyanna or don't have bad days.  But doesn't our faith remind us to have daily JOY?  Joy isn't happiness all the time, it's the seed of hope that dwells in our hearts that leads us to God.
  So have some fun with your life!  March around your yard pulling a wagon full of kids or the puppy or a picnic on the deck!  Life is what YOU make of is. Why not make it fun?