Thursday, August 4, 2022

Take a Breath


Take a breath…a slow blink…let your heart rate slow a little…relax your shoulders.

You are sitting at the stoplight, waiting to get to your next appointment, your job, pick up the kids, run errands, get groceries or work your to-do list.

But while you wait you can take a breath, a slow blink, lower your heart rate, relax your shoulders.


All these things help reduce your stress, your tension of the day. When you take the time to Pause by taking a breath, a slow blink of your eyes, you also give your body the time to defuse, reduce anger, lessen impatience.

And if you could add one Hail Mary or say  "God help me relax and not get angry" or "Jesus, Mary, Joseph pray for me" in the mix, then you will have added a moment of peace in your life.

And if you can do that at every stoplight, every line you stand in, every moment you feel your jaw tighten, or your shoulders raise, you will have spread more joy not only within yourself, but to others around you.  And if others around you are more peaceful, then you will be too.

Joy    Peace

Pause  Pray

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