Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Small Acts of Kindness

 Small acts of kindness can change the world.  How do we know that? 

Have you ever read an account of someone helping a neighbor by bringing them groceries or cleaning the snow off their driveway and thought, now there's a nice piece of news. The world will go on.

Or has someone in front of you in line at the coffee drive through paid for your coffee and you thought how wonderful it was of them to do so?

Those are small acts of kindness and they make the world go round. Without them we will descend into negativity and abyss.

So, what will be your small act of kindness today?  You can change the world, one act at a time. Truly, it can be done! Look for the good news. There is plenty of bad, but it will improve your view of the world if you look for the good that people are doing.  I have a cousin who does prison ministry. He is changing the world several people at time, people who think society has given up on them.

I work with volunteers at our parish food pantry. They are changing the world one act at a time bagging groceries for people they may or may not even meet. Yet it makes all the difference in the world to the family who receives that much needed food.

You can do one small act.  Just one and you'll feel so different.  Go ahead give it a try!

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