Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Constant of Change

 My husband were talking, we tend to do this at 5:55 AM while sitting in our living room enjoying the first cup of coffee for the day. It seems to be the only time we get to talk about anything other than what we need at the grocery, what bill needs to be looked at or which of the family: kids, grandkids, our parents or friends need help, prayers, encouragement or extra loving on. 

It's also that time of day when we dream talk, though that usually gets reserved for Saturday mornings instead of work mornings. More time to dream!

But a conversation has been repeating lately with the two of us and that is about change. I told him this morning, I am beginning to feel like we need to accept change as not change, but well, life.  It seems to be the norm, not just the constant as the old adage used to go.  Change is the constant.  Now is seems to be change is life.  And if you don't change you are left behind in the dust of blowing newspapers, paper bills, and mail service.

We are beginning to understand why, when our families would go visit our grandparents and aunts and uncles that all they seemed to talk about was the boring stuff that makes up life. Why did they talk about it so much?  I mean they obviously were living it, but they also talked it to death. We now know why...because it was always going on and changing.  The world never stops updating, moving here or there, changing colors, changing stations.  It's liked we are wired to never be the same.

But you know in some ways I guess that is good.  Because our God is never the same. I mean He is always there, we can always count on Him, but he is always changing to keep us moving. We cannot stagnate nor can our faith stay in one piece of concrete. God is the anchor for humans who are rocked this way and that on the ocean of changing times and conditions!  Thank literally, God, for being our anchor.  Without Him my husband would have really depressing conversations! And we would not begin our day in a good mood, despite our worries and concerns.  Because we know God has our backs.  He always does. And the constant that is change will never defeat us if we always remember to put Him first and check with Him before we try to set sail!  Bring up the anchor and don't leave it behind. Our God, the ANCHOR, will save us!

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