Tuesday, January 23, 2018

News Flash: Civility is Running Out!

“Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind, and the third is to be kind.” ~ Henry James

 Several years ago I attempted an entire year of Civility; using kind words, not rolling my eyes at offensive people and generally trying to smile more.  It went pretty well for that year, but in the years since I think I may be forgetting my sense of civility again, so I think I am going to round out the end of 2017 trying hard to be more civil.   I’m not getting any younger you know and each day takes us all closer to a one-on-one conversation with our Creator and I would really like to have my act together better before that happens.  So I am going on a journey of Civility.  I still intend on watching the news which for me is a huge temptation to be uncivil. (how come are there so many people doing horrible things in the world?) and still drive my car which is probably the fastest way I lose my civility. 

But I have noticed lots and lots more incivility in our society taking hold and even worse, people shooting each other, killing, hurting others.  People, we need to start somewhere and that place is God; praying for each other and ourselves to stop the anger and violence.   We need to pray for kindness.

The definition of a kindness also means being civil. Usually we think of an act of kindness as being something special we do someone, bake cookies, give them a ride. But an act of kindness can also mean not doing something, like telling a person off when they have insulted us.

  Being civil is like Jesus telling us to turn the other cheek. We’re not setting ourselves up for abuse, we are just trying to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. The benefit that maybe they are having a really bad day and don’t mean to take it out on us. The benefit that they are mad at someone else they can’t ream out and we were just in the target.  Maybe our peacefulness can help them.  Being civil means we have to stop and think about our words, instead of striking out in an emotional barrage of anger and hurt.

   We aren’t exactly trained for that in our society. In our world of social media, instant messaging, quick on the draw call anyone, text and report or video tape anyone doing almost any bad behavior, sometimes our quickness leaves little room for discretion.  And being civil means having a sense of discretion that what we are about to say, write or do will possibly last forever, if not on the airwaves, paper, at least in someone else’s mind and heart.  So, just like the quote above, we need to remember to be kind, be kind again, and just in case, be kind some more. 

 And pray for our world and God’s people in it.  It works you know.

Egad, this is going to be harder than I thought! Being civil doesn't have any rewards...besides not making a jerk out of yourself, receiving harsh looks when you forget to be civil and hold your tongue, oh and that march to confession...

Just today, only 4 days into my new resolve to keep my mouth shut I'm plagued with the desire to spit out, "You moron!" to the driver in front of me driving 10 MPH in a 35 MPH and then just as I calmly think, I'll just move over into the next lane - see aren't I being civil, for not yelling, or even thinking a nasty thought,  this driver pulls into the next lane just as I moved over forcing me to once again brake hard and not hit them.

sigh....am I going to make it 361 more days????? The world is against me on this!!!!!

(and I hear you snort!!! )

Apparently it's a little known aspect of today's society where people treat each other like they want to be treated!

Civility is treating people with manners and decorum even if they don't act that way. It's smiling when you feel like yelling at them, it's saying please and thank you to people who don't.

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