Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Little Civility Please

   Wow, I think I may revisit my civility year after driving this past week in our not-so-small town.  I know college began this week, but you'd think it was Armageddon coming or a 75% sale at Sears the way people, young and old were zipping through traffic, running red lights, and generally, despite the law against texting and driving, looking down at their stupid communication devices and not paying attention.   "Scotty, BEAM ME OUT OF HERE!"
   I don't claim to be exactly light on the old accelerator pedal all the time, but hey I didn't know you and the guy behind you and guy behind me were all volunteer firefighters on the way to a fire...huh?!
   And it wasn't just me noticing the insanity, one of my office mates complained about sitting at the stoplight this morning on her way in and as soon as the light turned green the guy behind her began honking.  Really? Does he not know that everyone runs red lights in this town and my office friend was just making sure she didn't become paint on the pavement?  "Oh Scotty! Where are you? What do you mean you don't have the power?!!!"
   There should be a lesson in here somewhere right?  Patience, prayer...praying for others...the entire world...calm down people... Just when I begin to think we have it all wrong, and where did we go wrong, I hear in Holy Scripture that every one of the New Testament writers were asking the same question almost 2,000 years ago.  Some things never change...and you know what? So we know we're not alone in thinking "what is this world coming to?" 
  That's why in Scripture God is always reassuring us of His presence.  If it weren't for Him, the world would have ended long ago.  Signs of Him holding us in his hands are everywhere, in every bird that sings, breeze that blows, rainbow that fills the sky, babies born, miracles abounding.  In every coming of that first light of day, we are reassured that God hasn't left us behind and is right here for us. 
   So, be careful out there, watch out crossing the streets and sitting at stop lights and for heaven's sake don't text and drive!!  God's got your back, but hey help Him out a little!

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