Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Calling of Every Man Is The Dignity of Every Woman;
The Vocation of Every Woman Is The Integrity of Every Man
From Zenit- by Genevieve Pollock
From an interview with Edmund Adamus, director of Pastorial Affairs for the Diocese of Westminister, England:
 There is a fundamental truth underpinning John Paul II's adequate anthropology -- one might call it
theology of the body in shorthand. It goes something like: the calling of every man is the dignity of every
woman; the vocation of every woman is the integrity of every man.
   In other words -- beset as we have been over many decades but more recently since the global onset of gender theory -- more and more people are beginning to realize that the feminization of masculinity and the laddish culture that haunts the development of young girls and women is not providing the answers to life's deepest questions.
   John Paul II, as we know, in his catechesis invites us to 'go back to the beginning' to seek in the truth of the
order of creation, something of what we dare to say is the "Divine imagination." That dream of God the Father Creator is that his daughters and sons in all relationships, but especially the marital, sexual one, be infused with the serenity and tranquility of our first parents.
   This is not just being open to life in procreation, but respecting the expression of God's life in each other --
seeing one another with the eyes of God himself. The interior gaze, as John Paul II called it, is crucial to male-female relating, especially for men because our DNA means that we are wired to remember the beauty and goodness of what we see and look upon first before we are captivated by what we hear, sense or feel.
So it is incumbent upon men to rejoice in this very masculine charism to see in women their intrinsic worth
and beauty, precisely because they are women and no other reason. Thereby in small actions and greater ones they exhibit countercultural signals against the selfish, hedonistic wasteland that is the objectification of women for sexual gratification.

For more of this article click on this link:   http://www.zenit.org/article-30134?l=english

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