Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Walking In One Another's Shoes Part Two

I love finding quotes. They have a way of summing up my thoughts...This year will be my "Walking In One Another's Shoes" year to improving my relationships with others.  We begin:

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. 
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Some people say chocolate is their weak point.  I say chocolate is my strong point.
 Dolly Madison, 1811

The sun shines not on us but in us.
 John Muir

From "Everyday Success.com"

"We are practiced at putting on a good front.  It makes it easier for those around us.  We also expect a game face from others.  When that face isn’t there or it seems out of synch with our world, we don’t always take the time to wonder what it’s like to walk in their shoes.  We know what the world expects to see in terms of demeanor and we do it.
People can appear so put together, so on top of life.  We can’t imagine that anything could intrude on seeming perfection.  That's not how it works.  Life’s challenges confront us all.  Many amongst us courageously carry a burden while also carrying on with life.  We cannot know whether the person seated next to us has shoes lined in velvet or nails.  We cannot know.  Nor do we need to know.
Especially today, in our sometimes topsy-turvy world, leading with compassion and acceptance can change the course of human encounter.  It's not necessary for us to know a life story before we offer a warm smile and a kind word or gesture."

Changing one’s attitude is not faking it.  Changing one’s attitude is deciding how we want to live our life and then making it happen.  As Maya Angelou so wisely said, “If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

In life, attitude is everything.  Attitude decides whether we greet the day with joy or with the blahs.  Attitude decides how our family, our friends, our boss and our coworkers perceive us.
It is not the result of circumstance.  It is not genetically predetermined.  Attitude is in our control, we are in charge of our attitude.  Attitude is a choice we make all day, every day.  Attitude is not a habit though attitude can become habit

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