Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Moments In A Parent’s Life When You Get To Laugh

I love it.  Finally!  We have one child who is expecting her first child, which is also our first grandchild, another child who is in his first year of teaching and we will get to sit back and watch all those “moments in a parent’s life when you get to laugh.”  Otherwise known as “I told you so” or “wait till you have children of your own” moments!

Ever wonder if God has those moments all the time? I do.  Surely, the wonderful Creator who made us be able to laugh at ourselves, also enjoys that emotion?  Watching us go about our daily lives thinking we have things all together, He has to have a certain sense of humor don’t you think?  How else could He not just give up on us if He didn’t?

Just as parents must learn to finally ease up, stop nagging their children about things in life, God lets us come to him. We parents could learn a lot from His wise ways.

As parents, my husband and I were actually very lucky with our children. They didn’t have colic and give us sleepless nights looking for ways to calm them down and sleep.  Okay, we had one daughter who wouldn’t go to sleep unless one or both of us sat in the hallway until she drifted off.  Then there was the phone call from the principal at the school where our first grade son was attending who informed us that he would be serving a detention the following day for pulling the fire alarm.  Now that same son is a teacher at the same school and on his first day teaching sent us a picture of the that same fire alarm and said it was his first lesson to teach the kids not to touch it.  I can’t wait to see how that goes!

I am constantly trying hard not to take myself so seriously.  I don’t think I’m a horrible parent, yet each day I worry whether I taught my kids everything they needed to know. What I don’t realize is that they don’t have to know everything. They have to know who to trust or go to when they don’t know everything.  Isn’t that what our faith is about too? We may not know everything about faith matters but as long as we know we can go to God and give Him our worries, cares and “I don’t know anything about this matter” to Him, we’ll be okay.

So relax and let God guide you in His ways.  If you worry about every little alarm being pulled or dirt put in a baby’s mouth you’ll never laugh again.  And life is about laughing and joining God as He loves us all.



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