Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Anniversary, YFC Blog!

   Okay, so this whole blog thing began two years ago this month, June 28, 2010 was my first blog on Young, Fun and Catholic. Wow, two years how did that happen? It was my wish to reach out to those older teens, twenty and thirty somethings that didn't receive my Straight Talk newsletter mailed to our parish 13-21 year olds explaining faith aspects with fun.

   The blog began to be able to say older faith things, yet still say them with fun and adventure. I personally consider being a Catholic Christian to be an adventure! Truly!  I was born into the Catholic faith making me a "cradle Catholic" as it's sometimes known. I was the daughter of a cradle and convert, and my husband is a convert. Quite honestly I've always enjoyed being Catholic.

   I truly never felt my faith was boring. I always wanted to be involved in it one way or another so I went on retreats in high school, began leading singing at Mass while in high school and playing for "guitar Masses" with my not so great strumming. I've taught Religion classes, run our PSR/CCD program, enjoyed teaching my kids about Mass and donuts, the rosary, seeing God in everything in creation and much much more and now sharing it with more teens and internet followers.

   I loved living my faith to get to be with Jesus every day. I feel very blessed that my faith always felt "comfortable".

   So there you have it, Happy Anniversary Dear Blog! I love writing about the Catholic faith. Our faith should be an adventure with the goal being Heaven. And to try to bring as many people as possible to Heaven with us!

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